Built-in Functions

As part of DEW, we provide some built-in functions, which we later expand into runnable code on the testbed during the export process.

Action Bindings

Currently supported built-in functions / suggestions for action bindings are:

tcpdump -i expeth($node) -w $file
ping $node
iperf -s
iperf -c $node
nmap $node
wget $node
dig $name

Event Bindings

Currently supported built-in functions for event bindings are:

Suggestion Description
pexists($action) process exists that performs action in the binding
psuccess($action) process completed w success for the given action

OS Built-in Functions

We have also provided some built-in functions in Ubuntu-DEW OS image on Deterlab. If you use that image you can use the following built-in functions in your bindings, and we will resolve them automatically.

Built-in function Description
expIP experimental IP on the node
ctlIP control IP on the node
expeth experimental iface on the node
ctleth control iface on the node
expIP(A) experimental IP on the given node, leading
expeth(A) experimental iface on the given node,
IP(A) IP address of node A
pid project name
eid experiment name
nid node name
epoch epoch time